Pine Health is Relaunching Physiotherapy Services!

With the Alberta Government announcing the Re-Launch Plan, physiotherapy services will be able to resume as early as May 4, as long as requirements set by the Chief Medical Officer and Physiotherapy Alberta (our licensing and regulatory body) are followed.
The requirements that you will see myself and the whole clinic following are:
(some of these are not any different than our practices prior to COVID-19, while some are new)
- Clients and staff will be required to engage in regular and frequent hand hygiene practices (i.e. before, during and when leaving the clinic)
- The clinic is adjusting booking schedules to accommodate physical distancing requirements and to moderate the total number of individuals in the clinic at any given time
- Treatment rooms and equipment will be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected between each client as well as any high touch areas/equipment
- Clinic staff will continue to clean and disinfect high touch areas in common areas of the clinic
- Clients and staff will be required to ensure they are feeling healthy and symptom free, prior to and during the in-person session. If this were to change at any time, the appointment can be cancelled and re-scheduled or moved to a telehealth format.
- Physiotherapists may only see a client in-person when appropriate personal protective equipment are available-this means I will be wearing a mask when treating clients in person. If by chance we run out masks and proper disinfectant, in-person sessions would not be able to occur.
- In-person services must only proceed when the anticipated benefits of an in-person physiotherapy session outweigh the risks to the client and the physiotherapist.
What does this mean for providing physiotherapy services moving forward?
- Continue to offer physiotherapy sessions virtually for those clients where telehealth will allow us to meet your needs and goals. (Virtual sessions are now here to stay so they will always be an option.)
We can book an in person physiotherapy session
, when your needs can only be met by in-person sessions. Ie. We have been working together through telehealth sessions, but do need to meet in person for specific assessments or treatments that require hands on care.
- If you currently have an appointment scheduled as a telehealth (virtual format) and are happy to leave it as is, then there is nothing else you need to do at this time.
- If you currently have a telehealth session scheduled and are wondering if an in-person session may be more appropriate for you, please contact me directly and we can discuss the best option for your needs and personal goals.
- You can continue to book sessions through our online system at:
- As well, you can always contact the clinic to speak with our administration staff for assistance with booking (587-855-5598)
Our current environment remains fluid and with this our plans may change or need to be adapted if local outbreaks or other concerns arise. For continual up-to date information on booking processes, please always refer to our clinic’s main website page if changes should occur.
As always, I am available for any questions or concerns you may have. Please do not hesitate to contact me at any time.
~ Jillian Palmer
Physiotherapist | Pine Integrated Health Center